So on Wed we were officially 38 weeks and we went to the Dr. Things are progressing. I was 2.5cm and 75% effaced. To say that I am very uncomfortable is an understatement cause I am in down right pain. He is firmly lodged in my pelvis and under my ribs.....he's a big/long boy! Everything was good with both him and me and she said
OK here is the plan....make an
appt for Tuesday (if you make it to Tues) and call the nurse first thing in the morning to schedule induction for Thursday May 19t
h again if you make it that far. So
that's the plan, he will either be here any day now or I will be induced on Thursday May 19t
h. And by the way, do you know what else Thursday May 19t
h is???? Well its my 2 year anniversary of my gastric bypass surgery. It would be great to give birth to my little miracle on the 19t
h because that day would definitely be a double blessing and a great reminder of how planning for our miracle started the day of my surgery! So
that's the latest in our world. We have everything ready, everything packed and we set to go whenever he is ready or on Thursday. My nerves are starting to get the best of me, and the pain well
that's getting old, but it will all be worth it and a blessing as soon as my miracle is in my arms. Oh I can't stop dreaming of that day. Please keep us in your prayers and we will keep you posted on our progress this week.
Love and God Bless to you all!