We got to the hospital at 6:45am and the plan was for the Dr to break my water at 9am after IV's and all that good stuff was done. However since it took 4 people and 10 pokes and 9 blown veins to get an IV in me and since that took until almost 10am, the Dr didn't break my water until noon. Of course once they got me on the monitors, I found out that what I thought had been him kicking the crap out of me was really contractions and they were 3 min apart! So according to everyone even if I hadn't been induced he would have been here around the 19th anyways. So we were moving along at 4cm and waiting. At noon the Dr came in to break my water and about 3 minutes later I was begging for an epidural which they promptly gave me. We were moving along and were expected to have him within a few hours but he had other ideas. I stayed at 5cm from noon to 6pm and we were told to expect a long night. So around 6:15 Chris went down to get dinner, however from 6:15 to 7:00 I went from 5cm to 10cm and they were talking about pushing when Chris walked back in the room. Needless to say he was in shock when he got there and the Dr came in and explained things to us and said we are going to do 2 sets of 3 practice pushes, then we will get dressed and get the team in here and you will start the real pushing and in an hour or so we will have a baby. Well, Colton and I had different plans.....I did my 2 sets of practice pushes and the Dr said to me are you sure this is your first baby? She then told the nurse get the team in here asap, we are going to have this baby in about 30 min probably and this was at 7:40pm. So as the Dr is getting dressed and prepping everything Chris says to her uuummmm is that normal, he could see the head slowly coming out. With that she says to me Amy don't breathe don't push don't do anything thing I have to finish getting dressed! So she finished and as the team was walking into the room I pushed one time his head came all the way out and I pushed a second time and his body came out at 7:55pm! So I only pushed for a total of maybe 10 min! They couldn't believe it and of course at that point I was in heaven hearing the most beautiful sound of my little boy I have ever heard in my life!
Mommy holding the most beautiful boy I have ever seen. I have never in my life cried so many tears and been so very happy at the same time. Everyone is right, there is nothing like holding your baby for the first time and becoming a mommy! I never thought this day would come and now I am really a mommy!
Daddy holding his little man for the first time, can you not see the pride and joy in this handsome man's eyes. This pic really melts my heart because we were told for so long that we would never have a biological child together. What a blessing from God!
Our first FAMILY picture! Wow I have tears just typing those words!
I could kiss this little face all day long everyday!
My nurse, Chelsea who was with me when I delivered and took over for Megan. She too was amazing and I will never forget her kindness!
Our pride and joy in our room for the first time sleeping like an angel!
Waiting for the release papers so we can go HOME! And with this little man, our house is really a home now!
born at 7:55pm
7 lbs 2 oz
19 3/4 in
So he wasn't near as big as they expected, it seems that I had a ton of fluid. You know its bad when they have to get towels and stuff from two other rooms! LOL!
So sorry it has taken me so long to get pics and all posted but to be honest, I would rather hold my angel and watch him sleep all day long rather than do this. :) I have lots more to post, like the pics we had done getting ready to go home and pics we had done when he was two weeks old. I promise to get those up very soon. I can hardly believe today he is 3 weeks old already. Time is flying by and he is growing and changing so much! God has really blessed us. Thanks so much to each of you for all your prayers during this journey.....we have proof God answers prayers!
God Bless!
Congrats! What a perfect little baby!
ReplyDeleteHe was PERFECT - Jackson was 7# 2oz and 19 3/4 inches long also! I am so happy for y'all! I am ready to see more pictures! God is so good, all the time!
ReplyDeleteLove from Louisiana,