Monday, April 19, 2010

Lots going on in our world......

Over the last few weeks we have had lots going on in our world. Its a good thing I have been unemployed to get everything done. Lets see where do I start? It started about a month ago when my husband's parents finally decided that they can no longer take care of themselves and their house and they are ready to move into a senior community. So I spent a week going to about 10 different places getting all the details, touring and talking to people. (this is something we have been encouraging them to do for several years but we knew it had to be in their time.....) That Friday we took them to tour 3 different places that were in their price range and that I thought they would like and that was close to where we live. Thankfully they fell in love with one place and we officially have them on the waiting list and have put a deposit down. This now means we have to get their house ready to put up for sell asap. So we have spent lots of time working at their house and this weekend we will be having a huge garage sale. The more they can get rid of now the less I have to pack and move with them. In the midst of all of this going on, I had two companies that were seriously considering me. One was a position that was something of a dream job for me. The other had the perfect location. So about 3 weeks ago I was told it was down to me and one other person for both of these jobs but it was going to take some time before an offer was made because both places had people on vacation who needed to sign off on the offer. So Chris convinced me if we had any hope of having a vacation this year we should take one right now and since he had so many free hotel nights all we had to pay for was gas to get there and food and lets be honest we don't eat enough anymore to amount to anything. So we planned it and booked it on Wed and left for Destin, FL on Easter Sunday. We had the BEST vacation we have ever had since we have been together. It was the most relaxing and enjoyable vacation I have ever had. We were seriously beach bums. We would get up everyday go down to the lobby and have our free breakfast around 9am and we were laying on the beach by 10:30am. We would then walk to the restaurant on the beach and eat lunch then back to lay in the lounge chairs some more. We took lots of walks down the beach and around 5:30 every afternoon we headed back to the hotel which was just across the street from the beach to shower and go have dinner. And just like old married people we were in bed by 10-10:30 every night! I know we were boring but hey that was exactly what we needed and now that we are home working our buts off to get his parents house ready to sell I am so glad I did nothing at all for a week. That brings us to last week which was lots of work at his parents house and oh did I mention I got the job offer on Friday! Yep I got the "DREAM" job offer and boy was it an outstanding offer. In fact it was such a great offer that I didn't even have to think about it, the recruiter asked if he could give a verbal OK and I said yes absolutely! So as of yesterday I officially signed my offer letter and tomorrow I have to go pee in a cup to make sure I am not on drugs. Once that is complete, I am set to start my new job on Monday 5/3/2010! I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. When this whole layoff started back in Aug 2009 I couldn't even imagine working anywhere other that the Tree. I remember feeling lost and extremely sad. It's funny how you just get so accustomed to being somewhere that anything that puts a wrinkle in that makes you feel so unsure of things. And now here I am so excited wondering what I was scared of. For those of you who know me well, you know that I have a hard time with huge major life changes especially those that are NOT planned but I can honestly say that I couldn't be more excited about these changes now. I am nervous about starting over but I am so looking forward to doing something new at a new company that has so many new opportunities ahead for me. God is GREAT for sure! He has truly answered our prayers and I am beyond grateful. I wanted to thank each and every one of you who have prayed for my job hunt, as always God answers our prayers and helps us the realize that there is always good out there you just have to be patient. I promise to post pics of our fabulous vacation very soon. Also just a reminder that we will be walking in the March for Babies on Sunday in memory of Bennett David and in honor of Ellie Grace and soon to be Cullen. If you can make a small donation, please click the link at the top of my blog.

Until next time.....Blessings to each and every one of you!

Friday, April 16, 2010

March for Babies

We are only a week away from the March of Dimes, March for Babies and we are a little over $100 away from our goal. I know that times are very tough right now, but if you can spare even $1 or $5 it would greatly help all the little babies in the world and their mothers. If you can spare even a small amount please click on the link at the top of the blog and make a donation on-line via credit card. Thanks in advance for your is greatly appreciated.

A lot has been going on lately and I have tons to update, but for now, I will leave you with......prayers are being answered and God is wonderful. I promise to elaborate more very soon!

Until next time - God Bless each and everyone of you!