Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Honey!

Well I am a little late getting this post up since yesterday was Chris's B-day but I guess better late than never. We had a great weekend celebrating his birthday and a great day together Monday. Honey hope you had a wonderful birthday and can't wait for many more together. I love you more than words can say!

Well this week is my last week at my job of 12 years and I definitely have very mixed feelings as the week slowly comes to an end. On one hand I am excited about the possibilities that lay in front of me, but on the other hand I am scared to death. What if I don't find a job by the time my severance runs out? What if I don't find a job within 6 months? What am I going to do with myself not getting up and going to work everyday? What if I do find a job and get an offer and the drive is worse than the one I am making now....obviously I will take the job because well I gotta have a job, but what kind of stress will this cause and how will I be able to handle it? These are only a few of the million questions floating around in my head this week. I am trying my hardest to remember that God will take care of us, but being a person who always feels the need to be in control of things, I am having a hard time.

Our home computer is still in the hospital but there is hope we will have it by the end of the week. So hopefully very soon I will be able to post some new pics.

Also, one last thing before I sign off.......please please please say lots of prayers for our dear friends A&B. They are having some major difficulties with the pregnancy at 22 weeks she is having major contractions and they are praying for a miracle and that baby Cullen will not end up having to be delivered prematurely. There is a high chance that A will end up in the hospital for the remainder of her pregnancy. Please visit their blog at www.bennettandellie.blogspot.com for more info and to leave your thoughts and prayers. I know that their family can use all the support you have to give.

Blessings to each and everyone of you!
Amy :)

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