Monday, September 7, 2009

Working hard on Labor Day Weekend!

Things are still going well with the weight loss in the Nord home. We are still steadily losing weight and even though we don't go back to the Dr. until the beginning of Dec, we will post our weight loss monthly. We still haven't gotten sick a single time and Chris has met his first goal and he is officially under 300 lbs. Now this is just his first goal, not the ultimate goal. We are both feeling great and riding bikes about 4-5 times a week.

We spent our long Labor Day Weekend laboring instead of playing but it was well worth it. We finished laying the tile in our house. We had 2 bedrooms, 2 closets and part of one hallway to do so I took off on Friday and we got started. It has been a long tiring weekend, but we finished it and it looks fabulous! We realized having so much weight off was great because we could move around so much easier but I have to be honest, I missed the cushion on my rear and hips. My rear and hips are so sore and they have bruises from being on cement and tile for 3 days, but it was well worth it and I will heal. It was amazing to us how much easier laying tile went with the weight off. Don't get me wrong it was hard work, but not near as bad as it was in March/April when we laid the tile in the master bedroom and master closet. It took us quite a few days to recover from that, but here we are in Sept laying tile and the day after we finished we are sore in the muscles but not in bed not able to move. Oh what a wonderful thing it is to feel so good again! I promise, to take some pics this week of the floors to show you our good work. Now all we have left to do is move all the furniture and stuff back in the rooms and closets, which is a chore in and of itself. We plan to get that done this week and this coming weekend. This is the perfect time to go thru everything and get rid of stuff/junk!

In other news, our puppy Blondie, will be getting fixed tomorrow and she has to be there before 7:30 in the morning which means Chris has to leave to go to work extra early (the place its being done at is by his work.). The trick will be to keep her from jumping around for 4-5 days afterwards. She is not a calm puppy at all so this will definitely be a challenge.

One last thing before I sign off, please say a few prayers for me regarding my job. It has been a rough two weeks and I can't go into a lot of detail, but we have learned that they are closing the office I work in. I don't know when yet exactly but I could be unemployed as early as two weeks from now or as late as six months from now. I have been at this company for 11 years and this is very sad and very hard, but I know that God has always seen me through and I have faith that this will be no different. So I just ask that you add in an extra prayer for me if you have the time. So now you know why I haven't updated the blog in a few weeks, I had to get my mind straight and pray. And one last prayer request, please say a prayer for our dear friends A & B who have started their IVF process in the last week. With lots or prayer and faith, I know that in Oct they will be getting the results they have been praying for. With that being said, until next time, God Bless you all and thanks for your prayers and support, Chris and I greatly appreciate it!

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