Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dr Appt Update

So here's the latest on our sweet baby boy..... he is PERFECT. He measured exactly 19 weeks on Tuesday which is what I was exactly on Tuesday. The anatomy scan went perfectly and everything measured perfectly. We were told we have a very healthy little boy! What music to my ears that was. Then we got the "However"...... at which point I thought my heart fell out of my chest. Things have gone so well through this whole process that I keep waiting for the bottom to fall out. Thankfully that isn't what this is....the bottom is not falling out we just might have a small detour. It seems that the placenta is on top of and under the baby instead of behind and above the baby. Thankfully this doesn't affect the health or growth of our little boy, it could just effect how he makes his entrance into this world. For the next 6 weeks, I have to take it as easy as possible. No exercising, complete pelvic rest, no lifting of any sort, light everyday walking is OK but no all day shopping trips....if I go shopping for every 15 min I am on my feet I have to sit for at least 15 min. Basically I can go to work and function as normal but I have to take it very easy. She said in most cases where this happens this early on (placenta previa) it usually corrects itself when the uterus moves further up it pulls the placenta up. So to see if this happens, I go back in 4 weeks and then 2 weeks later (6 weeks from now) we go back for another big ultrasound to see if things have changed. If they have then we continue as normal, if they haven't then I will be forced to have a c-section and we will start planning it at that point. In the meantime, I have to be very careful and watch for spotting and bleeding. If any spotting or bleeding begins, I am to call the Dr immediately and I will go in and they will admit me to the hospital and try to stop it. If it stops I can go home for the time being. If it doesn't then I will stay in the hospital til birth. If it stops, then starts a second time, I will be immediately admitted to the hospital where I will stay until birth. So needless to say I am doing everything the Dr says because I don't want to cause any bleeding which leads me to the hospital. Not sure how all the Christmas stuff will get taken down and put away now but I am sure I will figure it out. This is also why I haven't felt my sweet baby move yet. It seems the placenta is blocking what I should be feeling by now. She said this is totally normal for this to happen and in no way means anything is wrong with the baby. She said even if the placenta doesn't move I should start feeling movement around 24-25 weeks. Gosh I can't wait for that feeling! But it seems I must now be patient and we all know I am not good with that. And if the hubby wasn't protective of me before, now he is freaking out! If he had his way, I would live in a bubble until the baby was born! LOL! So that is the latest not the perfect appointment but my sweet baby boy is very healthy and perfect and that is all that counts. As for my weight, I gained 2 lbs so she is very happy with that!

We have a big day tomorrow.....more to come on that soon!

God Bless!


  1. Goodness girl! Both of my babies came in this world via c-section... my prayers are that this sweet boy stays in the oven for as long as he can!
    Happy New Year
    Love from Louisiana

  2. It's crazy to me how similar you and I are. I also had Placenta Previa early on - BUT, it did fix itself and I had a completely normal and healthy delivery!!! Don't worry about just take it easy!
